How to weave the burning candles band

The other day I posted an image of this band on my instan stories and got a lot of questions on how to weave on it. As I have been thinking of releasing an add-on to my Simple weave book with band patterns, I thought I’d give it a go, and offer it for sale in my webshop.
But then I thought of another idea. Since I did the raffle for civilian aid last month I’ve been thinking of something I could share with all people who stand up for the basic human rights of civilians, and not just a single raffle winner and this seems to be the perfect thing! A link to the pattern can be found at the bottom of this page.

So this is what I’ve done: I’ve posted the description on how to weave this pattern behind a password. The password is the first word in an Email you will get from Amnesty International if you go to this site, and sign a petition for a cease fire in Gaza.
The aim with the petition is to urge world leaders to work for a cease fire, which would allow for time to calmly negociate for a hostage exchange between two parties involved, as well as make it safe for food, medical supplies and water to be distributed in Gaza. Here is the link to the petition. Signing up is free and I won’t be tracking who or how many people signed up.

What am I getting here?
On the password protected page there is a description on how to weave bands patterned with stripes that go in a 90 degree angle against the background pattern. To read it you will need to be familiar with band weaving already. If you are not, I have written an extensive guide in my book “Simple weave“, available in the webshop, and there’s a quick walkthrough in the highlights on my instagram. It’s named “Band weaving“.

How do I get the instruction again? Sign up for a cease fire in Gaza at, recieve their confirmation Email, open it, and enter the first word in the Email as the password for the web page linked at the bottom of this blog post. Please sign the petition I have linked, on the English version of, because if you don’t I don’t know what word the confirmation letter will start with.

I think you are wrong in doing this and I’m gonna tell you exactly why!
If you don’t want to support this cause, that’s fine. If you want to put energy into writing me hate filled messages because you don’t agree with me I can’t stop you. But I would suggest you take that energy and use it for something productive. Maybe you can design a band that has a theme of the cause you want to shine a light on, and then publish it on your own website?

With all that said, here’s the link to the description!


Heddle release: December 3, 2023


Civilian aid raffle, October 2023