Heddle release: August 11, 2024

This year has been a bit sparse in heddle releases, I know. I haven’t had as much time to carve for you guys as I would have wanted, and the heddles I have been carved have been earmarked for exhibitions.
There have also been a bunch on other time-drains happening behind the scenes, one of them being the launch of a new, designer built website that in the end turned out to be a system I could not stick with, and its a long story so I won’t bore you with it but the effect is that I am now back with my original Squarespace website which I am able to operate as opposed to the now scrapped “new website”. I am aware that switching back and forth between the two wasn’t ideal, and I apologize for any confusion it may cause.

But I do have some heddles for you! When realizing all decorated heddles need to be held onto for exhibitions (I’ll offer any unsold heddles here in the webshop after the exhibitions close of course!) I thought… But that means no heddles for sale until like… November?! Not ok! I decided to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time: Simple squares.

An ode to simplicity

I’ve really been wanting to make a set like this for a long time. As simple as possible, just low-key and mundane, these heddles are meant to me everyday weaving tools. No fancy outcroppings that might break off if you drop them, no sweet faces that you end up pinching when you weave… Just a meticulously handcrafted tool with a coat of paint. I dream that some day a grandchild will find one of these in the bottom of an old cookie tin full of sewing supplies, and start asking questions… and so the cycle of learning continues!

What wood? What paint?

As usual, I have used dry birch wood for this heddles. I prepare it myself from trunk to wooden slate in my studio and after I carved the heddle I have marked it with my name cipher, a combination of my initials “KN”.

The heddles are painted with a thin coat of lins seed oil paint the allows the structure of the wood to peak through.

In this release the heddles will not be individually posted, as they basically all look the same. Instead there will be one post for the heddles with 10 holes (There are 9 of them) and one for the heddles with 9 holes (There are 4). There will also be one post for the weaving sticks.

This set consists of 13 heddles that will be released on August 11, 21.00 Swedish time. The heddles will be for sale in the webshop, not here on the blog. This is a preview for you guys, so you can have a look at the heddles before they hit the web shop. Click or tap the images to enhance them and see the heddle measurements! If you are buying heddles from me for the first time you might want to read this blog post in preparation.

Ps. When browsing this blog post on a mobile device the text with the measurement + price info does not appear automatically when you tap a picture to enhance it. After enhancing the picture, look at the bottom right hand corner of the screen where there is a small white dot. Tap that and the info will appear!


Heddle release: March 24, 2024