Heddle release: August 12, 2023

Horses, horses, horses! I love making horse heddles. Since the form is generally the same every time with only slight variations decided by the size of the wood piece I have at hand I can focus on changing the angle of the chin or the curve of the back a bit, delighting in seeing how that changes the stance of the horse.

The heddles are made out of birch wood and painted with milk paint, which is basically a glue formed by casein and something alkaline. When pigment is added the result is paint!

I typically use either oil paint or milk paint for my heddles and when I want to do spattered patterns I prefer to use milk paint, as (in my experience) the oil forms thick and wrinkly clots if one spatters it onto a wooden surface. In this instance milk paint is preferable, and I love the eggshell smooth texture of the milk paint once I have polished it with some baking parchment.

The horses have blue spattered patterns on one side, and my name cipher on the backside as a little makers mark.

The measurements of the heddles can all be found in the gallery below. Here are the largest (no. 14) and the smallest (no. 2) compared to my hand. When I post the heddles in the webshop there will be hand-for-scale comparison images for all of them, but unfortunately there’s no neat way to make that work in the gallery here in the blog post so this’ll have to do.

This set consists of 14 heddles that will be released on August 12, 21.00 Swedish time. The heddles will be for sale in the webshop, not here on the blog. Here is a preview for you guys, so you can have a look at the heddles before they hit the web shop. Click or tap the images to enhance them and see the heddle measurements! If you are buying heddles from me for the first time you might want to read this blog post in preparation.

Ps. When browsing this blog post on a mobile device the text with the measurement + price info does not appear automatically when you tap a picture to enhance it. After enhancing the picture, look at the bottom right hand corner of the screen where there is a small white dot. Tap that and the info will appear!


Heddle release: October 31, 2023


Heddle release: June 13, 2023