Heddle release: December 15, 2022

The last heddle release I made (in November) was meant as my “Christmas“ release. Made in proper time for the heddles to arrive before the big day all over the world, intended to give me a stress-free and calm December… And then I made that gold flecked horse, and really wanted to make more. Also I am completely in love with the style of dancer heddle I have developed over this fall, with a painted dress and cutaway face! So I made a new batch and I am releasing them… kind of now. The day after I’m writing this. In theory, they will arrive before Christmas if I post them on December 17, but who knows? The postal system is, as we all know, not at its snappiest around the holidays. But you see, I just couldn’t help myself and it seems strange to wait until after the new year has shifted into place to release these, as they are so clearly Christmas themed. At least, they are to me. I wish I had a dress like that to wear for the celebrations!

The heddles are made from birch wood and painted with lins seed oil paint, and a gold pigment mixed with shellack.

This set consists of 24 heddles that will be released on December 15,th, 21.00 Swedish time. The heddles will be for sale in the webshop, not here on the blog. Here is a preview for you guys, so you can have a look at the heddles before they hit the web shop. Click or tap the images to enhance them and see the heddle measurements! If you are buying heddles from me for the first time you might want to read this blog post in preparation.


About that black wool


Heddle release: November 19, 2022