How to order my heddles

Well, this is a strange post to write. I am one year into carving heddles and I have the very pleasant problem of selling out as fast as I add heddles to my website. After every sale I get messages from people who are sad because they didn’t understand the ordering system, so I figured I’d write a post about it.

First of all, the heddles are usually sold out very fast. If you want one, make sure to be on time! I always state a time of sale and make sure to post about it on instagram. There is also a news letter going out a few days before each sale with the exact time and date, and you can register for it on the starting page or the store page of this website.

Second, but maybe most important: You can not reserve an item by placing it in your shopping cart. If someone else also adds the same heddle to their cart and completes the transaction before you do, they will buy the heddle before you and you will not be able to complete the payment. This is frustrating but there is no way I can work around it; its the way the webshop system I am using is built. I have understood that using quick payment methods like apple pay, or a paypal account that you are already logged into would be beneficial for anyone wanting to complete the payment first though.

“Can I place a custom order with you?“
I am terribly sorry to disappoint anyone asking to buy a heddle through any other way than through my website. In the future I might make up a wait list or ordering system, but as for now and for private reasons revolving around time management I am unable to take on orders for specific heddles.


Heddle release: March 2, 2021


A quilt for Hemslöjd magazine